"Are you getting the message yet?"
SeNd Technology Ltd
01488 762 763
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GSMWhitebox4G is our entry product to enable SMS messages to be sent from a simple switched input.
GSMWhitebox4G can accept 4 volt-free signal inputs and can send a customisation SMS message to 3 recipients on the inputs closing and opening.
The built-in battery backup provides power fail and power restore alerts make it a useful product for both residential and commercial use.
A 240vAC/10a relay in included which allows you to remotely turn things off and on (if safe to do so)
How does it work?
Install a SIM card and power up the GSMWhitebox24G unit and you are ready to add the recipients and configure the messages you wish to send when inputs are triggered.
Usage examples:
Home Alarm with just a local siren, Add GSMWhitebox4G into the siren power circuit and receive a message when the alarm is triggered. "Home alarm triggered"
Quick Facts:
4 Digital Inputs
Customise messages
SMS on close and open
1 Relay Output 240Vac/10a
12-24vDC powered
Battery backup
External antenna
Status and signal message
Low running costs
Send custom SMS alert messages via the mobile network
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How it Works...
Connect volt-free digital triggers, count time or pulses, read analog, temperature and remotely control.
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