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SeNd Technology Ltd


01488 762 763

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GSMOutdoorAlert 3

GSMOutdoorAlert 3 has been designed to allow remote locations with no external power to send SMS alerts or a phone call to warn you of problems or actions.


GSMOutdoorAlert 3 is a battery powered self-contained SMS alert system contained within an IP65 rated plastic enclosure. It can be used outside in remote locations allowing you to monitor volt-free switch signals from water tanks, door switches, trap doors etc.. 


How does it work?

Install a SIM card, connect the batteries and power up the GSMOutdoorAlert 3  unit and you are ready to configure the messages you wish to send when inputs are triggered. 

Quick Facts:
  • Battery powered
  • 4 Digital inputs
  • SMS or CALL alerts
  • Up to 1 years battery life
  • IP rated enclosure
  • Standard batteries
  • Scheduled "All OK" messages

Send custom SMS at remote locations without external power


  • Input 1 closes (float switch)  - "High water level" SMS send to 2 people.

  • Input 1 opens (float switch)  - "Water level OK" SMS send to 2 people.

Usage examples:
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How it Works...

Battery powered and wakes up when the input is triggered so ideal for remote sites eg water tanks.

Connect a float sensor and, when triggered it will wake up the GSMOutdoorAlert and send the "Low water" SMS to your mobile phone 

New Message

Water Tank

Low water level 
at Tank #34
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